Within you, there's a power...

It's an unmistakeable presence.  It gives you feelings of calm in chaos, certainty in who you are and your unrivalled value.  It's clear on your purpose - your uniqueness - and how you can courageously show up to it. It knows your potential, what lights you up and what you're capable of.

It's in you, ready to serve you and it's waiting for your call...

I see you.  You work hard and when you're not at work, it's not far from your mind.  You're busy, (understatement of the year), with a degree in juggling. At a deep level you worry something's going to drop.  To others looking in, you're successful and confident but you don't often feel that. Some days you wonder when everyone's going to find out you're winging it.  

You have a sense there's 'more' for you. Not more work or responsibility, (crikies no!) More joy, more excitement, more lighthearted living...away from the overthinking, overwhelm and inability to relax.  But you don't know where to start with rediscovering that part of you and it also feels frivolous - you've got too many other people to worry about, to consider what YOU really want.  

It is possible to create a life with all you have right now, where you wake up each day feeling more joyful, excited and free from your existing worries. The change will feel radical but you won't have changed anything externally because the change will be an internal shift. How you see yourself and how you feel about yourself - that's the foundation for how we experience everything.  

Through the process of self enquiry, I support you in becoming the CEO of your mind, emotions and energy. That leads to discovering the part of you that moves in freeflowing harmony with the permisssion to live on your own terms - away from the 'shoulds' , 'have tos' and being guided by guilt - into choosing your joy.

If you want to feel differently about anything, you have to see it differently. When we change our inner 'sight', how we see everything, changes.  Let me support you to live your fullest, most joyfully exquisite life story. Go within...and you'll never go without.

Working together...

Unleash your Limitless, 1:1 Coaching

Uncover your inner creative force that directs your purpose and guides you step by step to achieving your heart-aligned vision.  In weekly conversations, we'll uncover what's really getting in the way of what you want and achieving it and support you in moving through it.  Clarity, courage and wisdom to create your life by design.  3, 6 and 12 month programmes.

10 Steps to Self Belief - online course

Self belief is the foundation of all our results.  How we talk to and value ourselves is a direct reflection of how we allow others to talk to us and value us. And we've got an internal narrative on repeat that we wouldn't unleash on our worst enemy!  These 10 steps take you on a profound inner journey of self enquiry, to uncover a grounded certainty in you and all you're capable of. 

The Language of Luminaries

Join my weekly newsletter, where I share stories of inspiration, courage, overcoming day-to-day challenges and how we can use our inner power to live a more lighthearted, joyful life by our very own design.

Hi, I'm Claire...

Through my own journey of achieving success in the corporate world as a sales leader, I wanted to understand why I always felt like an imposter - like I didn't really deserve the levels I'd achieved.  In 2016, I took a two year psychology course and learned the missing link between our performance and our  potential - how what we think about ourselves, sets in motion every action that delivers our results. 

For the past five years I've been working mainly with female entrepreneurs and senior leaders, to help them overcome self-doubt, lack of confidence and other mental blocks preventing them from feeling like they belong in the room, and discover a deep sense of joy and contentment in themselves. Using my 'Inside-Out' and 'Conscious Creation' coaching framework, clients have described my programmes as “the most profound learning experience I’ve ever had” and “above and beyond the best”. Through uncovering the root of their inaction and developing a deep trust in themselves and their ability, clients' gain insights into their innate power, gain freedom from a busy, bullying mind, to experience more joy and creating a business, career and life balance by their very own design.